Monday, November 21, 2011

Going Big!...


Going big here. Making the blog a bit bigger so you can get a better look at the images. Long overdue seeing as I working in a visual field, only made sense to make this more visual...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Budwesier/Momentum Worldwide...

Had the chance to do a shoot for Budwesier recently via Momentum Worldwide in St. Louis.
This is all I can share for the time being, but it gives you a taste of the product we were profiling. Lots of beautiful reds and iconic branding throughout the whole shoot.
Thanks to all involved on the set up and production of this shoot...
Heading down the home stretch of 2011, but there are some really exciting things coming up in the weeks to come. Stay tuned...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tree Top Orchards...

A few shots from a recent shoot at some of Tree Top apple orchards. Got to capture a lot of really interesting content with some great people. A very special thanks goes out to Leo on this one. There is also a new campaign gallery up on the website along with a gallery of Ocean Spray work. Check it out!...
Shooting for the king of beers tomorrow, check back next week...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Portland, Oregon...

Just got back from the west coast. Showed some portfolios around town and had a shoot that will be shared soon. Not going to say too much, except to expect some cool new content from "The Fruit Loop" just west of Portland, OR.
A great city, lots of cool creative places and talent to offer and unreal grilled cheese of all things...
So, that said, and this photo shared... what did I think of Portland?
A) Impartial
B) Loved it
C) Never will return

Good luck...