Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Alure Of The Road...

These next few months are looking to take us on the road quite a bit, which is always great. The new challenges that await within new faces and locations always give you a creative burst of energy. I am on the road later today to shoot a climbing story in Canada and then back on the road just as soon as we can get the images out the door. Hope to be able to share some of it soon...

Monday, May 24, 2010

Taking It On The Town...

I am really excited to have a new portfolio getting printed up this week, it should be ready to head out on the town in June. With a large new body of work from the last year, this year's book showcases lifestyle work that spreads both the globe and industry. With work touching on commercial, editorial and advertising, there seems to be a little something for everyone. Looking forward to having it in shops around the Minneapolis market as well as the states. Be in touch with any questions or to request one...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Taking A Break To Smell The Flowers...

Recently got back from a great shoot in the Netherlands. Shooting in a variety of places, we were on tulip farms shooting the cultivation process and then off the the largest flower auction in the world, just south of Amsterdam (in the 3rd largest building in the world!). Starting to go through the work to get it out in time, and I think we were able to tell a great story. More images, from the tulip shoot and other lifestyle shoots we did while there to come... Sure was lovely to look at...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Personal Project...

I recently shot on a personal project with a basketball player from Minneapolis. This is something I think is really important for anyone in any industry, work on your craft off the clock.
Trying some new lights and lighting techniques, we waited for the right light to come in on a nice spring evening and ended up getting some great content. With a new book scheduled to come out in the next month or so, this was a great shoot and some potential book images too...

Gettin' Down...

On a recent shoot with an up and coming dance group & Vans, we got the chance to run around to some cool locations with great light. This ongoing project has the potential to capture some new, exciting work that I am thrilled to be shooting...

Shining Through...

I just don't know if I'll ever get enough of this...