Have work featured at First Stop which is really cool. It is set up to get less paper promos out and still let the work be seen. I am excited about the concept and hope to see more things like this pop up...
A few teasers from my recent Bauer shoot in Minnesota. Another good year working on adding to our library of images. I always have a great time on this assignment, looking forward to see how we're able to use the imagery...
Junior Olympics just finished up here in Minneapolis. Pretty cool to shoot these athletes as they gave it their all... Been estimating a lot of projects the last few weeks, Spring looks to bring on some cool new projects & clients...
If you have not checked out Wonderful Machine yet, please do. Wonderful Machine is something I partner with and have been enjoying my time with them. The Philadelphia based agency helps connect art buyers with photographers. Looking forward to another great year with them...
Tourney time! We're gearing up to shoot with Bauer here in the cities again. Keep an eye out for this years Bauer tournament posters, which we were excited to shoot last year... Make sure and head down to check out the Bauer booth and pick up a poster, March 12th at the Xcel...